WooCommerce Storefront theme Footer Copyright customization
For changing woocommerce footer copy right text. We have to write a custom function snipet to our child theme functions.php or your root theme functions.php file. Php Code snipet below-
// Store Front Hook modification
add_action( 'init', 'mycustom_remove_footer_credit', 10 );
function mycustom_remove_footer_credit () {
remove_action( 'storefront_footer', 'storefront_credit', 20 );
add_action( 'storefront_footer', 'custom_storefront_credit', 20 );
function custom_storefront_credit() {
<div class="site-info">
Copyright © <?php echo get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' ' . get_the_date( 'Y' ) . '. All rights reserved'; ?>
</div><!-- .site-info -->
It’s really simple to change the Storefront copyright text. All you have to do is add a custom function.